The primary API interaction is with our Events endpoint.
All events are created via POST requests from your app's front-end / backend, a 3rd party integration, or Zapier. Assuming a 200 Response, Event parameters are added to a live data feed and viewable within the Fomo dashboard. You can also Retrieve all events with the API.
This feed of Events is displayed to end-users on your website as animated notifications, based on the Application Settings you provide for a given Fomo Application.
Below are a couple Fomo notifications from Matchaeologist and Growth Marketing Conference:

Matchaeologist sends purchase orders -- Growth Marketing Conference sends ticket sales.
As you can see, the ability to sync Fomo with your branding spans as deeply as your CSS chops. :)
Understanding Events vs Templates
Fomo is built for scale, with modularity and separation of concerns top-of-mind.
For this reason, Fomo delineates Event parameters (ie: first_name
, city
, product_name
) from a notification's message structure, ie:
"{{ first_name}} from {{ city }} just bought {{ product_name }}!"
Thus, whenever you POST an Event object hash to the Events endpoint, you'll need to include an Event Type ID, which is the Primary Key ID attribute of a Template.
This tells Fomo how to arrange the parameters you've sent, for display to end-users browsing your website.
Creating Templates
While you can CRUD EventTypes with the Fomo API, we recommend using the application UI instead -- just log in and click the Templates tab.
Pro Tip - Developer Happiness
Many of our users maintain separate Fomo app instances for their dev, staging, and production environments.
If you do this, feel free to reference the
in your Event POST requests (vsevent_type_id
) to reduce the number of dynamic environment variables needed in your application. This merely requires giving Templates the same name during setup.