Send notification parameters to your live Event feed. For tips and tricks, see the Protips section below the following code sample.

Event creation #Protips

  • image_url can point to an image with any dimensions, but we prefer squares, no greater than 125x125px. anything larger will likely slow down the speed of rendering on your website.
  • send url parameters without UTM or other tracking links. to add these, edit the UTM fields in your Applications > edit form instead, which makes it easy to bulk edit later.
  • 2-digit country codes are great - we'll convert them automatically to full country names. if you send a full country name, that's fine too.
  • all Templates include a "title_with_link" helper merge variable, which combines your "title" and "url" Event parameters. but, using markdown you can combine any 2 parameters, such as {{ something_custom }} with {{ url }}. learn more.


Using the time_ago (timestamps) feature

If you're leveraging the "time_ago" attribute to show timestamps in your events, there's no need to POST any 'created_at' values. Fomo simply uses the derived values from the event record itself.
